Dog Training Can Help You Plus Your Dog!

Dog Training properly is often difficult. Dogs tend to be playful and often may want to play when dog owners are trying to teach . In addition, it will take some time to save the orders of its owner. The suggestions in the following paragraphs will help you successfully train your pet.
Dog owners will find great value in being loving to your pets. Positive stimulus has been shown to work much better in a training situation of negativity. Dogs are social creatures praise and worship . Your time and efforts will greatly help to improve future training sessions as well.
Start housebreaking your new baby right away. Go ahead and take the puppy to the bathroom area designated in your garden as soon as you wake up each morning , after eating, after a nap , and before bedtime . Select a specific command which means you must do your needs. When this is the case, do not forget to praise highly , and provide treatment as a prize .
When training , be specific about what you want your pet to do. Using vague instructions like "no" tend to be ineffective. Not only informs you that did not like what he did , but not why . If you say "no" when he jumps on the couch, you might think you want him to jump higher. Use accurate than sit and much better instructions.
When it comes to teaching your dog , do not want to reinforce the negative behavior. What this means is to deny your dog treats and praise every time he misbehaves . For example, if your dog is not sitting at the time specified , not gently rub the head, unless you really feel .
Always be prepared with dog treats. They must understand that doing the right thing brings a happy ending. This can help your dog understand what is right and what is wrong .
If you try to teach a puppy teething not chew your clothes or your property , give it a suitable object on which to chew. Teething puppies come with a house need to chew as a way to relieve the discomfort. However, do not give their puppy old shoes or clothing, and items that are taught and to gnaw.
Have complete flexibility in teaching your dog. Be prepared to modify or change a routine if you do not work . You may have to try several places or times of the day . You may have to change the length of your workout routine if it is too long a session, or too short .
Having an obedient dog, you must establish yourself as a teacher immediately. Do not let your pet chew or jump on you . It is necessary to punish or reward your dog at all times. Under no circumstances allow your dog gets away with anything , and worse, become hostile towards you.
As stated above , the proper dog training can be difficult sometimes . Dogs love to play and will definitely do this workout when. Dogs need to learn the appropriate commands before continuing. While using dog training tips from the previous post , you can teach your pet to follow with its commandments and to be obedient .

The Trick to a Well Behaved Dog Is Having One


Owners (or guardians) of unruly dogs often feel mystified about their dog's bad behavior. About 99% of the time bad canine behavior is due to a lack of understanding of how dogs think and what they need to be balanced dogs. Whenever I have a client who has an aggressive dog often I see a person who is afraid, frustrated or anxious and this contributes to the dog's need to control his owner.

In personal k9 coaching sessions I teach clients how to become more powerful. And what I often find is a person who has trouble keeping her mind free of fear, worry and doubt with such thoughts as, "I don't think my dog will ever get over this aggression... " I have to reinforce with these clients that whatever thoughts we focus on for the majority of our day we will manifest. This holds true for influencing a dog's behavior as well. I know many people get second hand dogs and feel that their dog arrived with bad behavior. Yes this is true.

However what we don't realize is that we unknowingly hold our dogs back by undermining their progress through reinforcing bad behavior rather than harvesting fresh new balanced energy. We end up nurturing the bad behavior for the simple reason we humanize them. And then we have dogs that just never seem to get much better.

But success leaves clues. All we have to do is look to thought leaders such as Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, Napoleon Hill or Michael Beckwith. These mega-successful entrepreneurs tell us that the proper mindset to draw successful results to us starts with feeling that we have what we want already and knowing that success is ours for the taking.

What I teach my clients is that in order to have a dog that is balanced and does what we want we have to be able to change the way our dog feels about us. And in order to create that result we need to become more powerful. Power to a dog means confidence and possessing an energy that is unstoppable. Without it our dogs will refuse to accept us as their leader and will continue to push us around.

Learning to become powerful isn't natural for some people and that's why having a mentor can be the very factor that gets nervous dog owners over the hump with a difficult case. Generally people have to learn how to face their fears and this can be threatening for people as they have to overcome lifelong phobias. I always tell people this old adage, "You get the dog you need not the dog you want." And what this means is that life has a way of giving us exactly what we need to grow. Having a difficult dog is indeed a call from the universe asking us to become more of who we really are. And yes we are inherently powerful.

The secret to feeling powerful is to declare incantations charged with lots of high power words. Mine is, "YES, YES, YES!!!" or "I'm an unstoppable force for good!" Whatever words you pick they absolutely must make you feel powerful. And there's a certain physiology, too, like walking confidently with our heads held high. But let us not forget that this is one piece of the puzzle. Knowing how dogs think, understanding what motivates them and being aware that true successful transformations come from maintaining lifestyle changes over time.

Susan Hill is known as The K9 Coach Unleashed and has helped many hundreds of dogs with behavioral issues. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her two Dobermans and two parrots. To claim your free invitation to learn more about having a dog you can take everywhere and get your formula for creating a well behaved dog go to

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Loving and Losing a Dog


Captain Hamburger McCoskey, a Mastiff-St. Bernard mix, died of old age last week in New Albany, Indiana. Captain brought happiness to the world throughout his years. He made a lasting impression on everyone he met because he was 180 pounds and usually a bit stinky. Captain enjoyed a career as a watch dog and his hobbies included chewing bones, heavy-breathing, and laying in the backyard. He is survived by his master, George McCoskey, an aunt, uncles, and cousins. Captain was cremated and no memorial service has been planned. Captain will be missed dearly and his family hopes he is running around heaven slobbering on the angels.

The above obituary describes the love and loss of a dog. George had Captain for about ten years and enjoyed showing him off to people. Captain was sweet and really a big baby who thought he was a lap dog. However, he would scare the living daylights out of anyone who came near the fence. He protected his family, but never had to bite anyone. One loud bark and only a crazy person would attempt to gain access to their home.

A relationship with a dog includes a mutual unconditional love that is extraordinary. Some people do not understand why pet owners get so upset when an animal dies. I used to be one of those people because of my own unawareness of that type of love. After owning dogs, I realized once you fall in love with an animal, it is a special bond that cannot be broken. Pets become beloved family members that cannot be replaced.

If you have never loved or owned a pet, it is important to understand the loss. Many people grieve the loss of the pet in the same way as they do a friend or relative. The best thing you can do to help someone who is suffering the loss of a much-loved pet it to understand they are grieving. Allow them to go through the grieving process and be sensitive. Do not say "it was just a dog". Captain was not just a dog; he was George's best friend.

We all live and die; it is a part of life that we really do not want to accept. It will take time, but eventually we will come to terms with our loss. However, we will never forget the years of love we had for Captain and he had for us. He will always be in our hearts.

Captain's family hopes that you will consider adopting a pet that needs a home. Visit a local animal shelter or humane society and maybe you will fall in love with a dog that will bring your family years of happiness. If adopting a pet is not an option, perhaps you could find it in your heart to make a donation to a shelter in need. Shelters can use monetary donations as well as pet supplies. If you choose to make a donation, please make it in Captain's memory so that his spirit of love continues.

Dr. Debra McCoskey-Reisert is an Assistant Professor at Ashford University.

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Grooming For Dogs - Your Dog's Fur and His Health


Dog grooming is a vital aspect of the general upkeep of your furry friend and any dog owner who has the love of his or her dog at heart will pay better attention to the grooming of his dog. The health of our furry friends is intricately tied to their fur because the state of a dog's coat is indicative of his condition both emotionally and physically. Therefore a dog that lacks regular grooming is far more susceptible to health conditions that a dog which is regularly groomed is less likely to experience.

Dog grooming does not just provide the opportunity to maintain a dog's healthy and shiny coat but it also helps to prevent infections that may be caused as a result of matted hairs and also to ensure that excessive wax in their ears, which could equally cause infections are regularly cleaned out and mouth related diseases due to lack of care are well taken care of through regular cleaning of the teeth. A dog's breed plays a vital part in deciding the frequency of grooming that the dog requires therefore it is important to find out the ideal qualities of your dog's breed so that you can set aside time for regular care of his coat.

Dog fur is essentially made of protein, so a dog with a fragile and dull coat is an indication that he is probably not getting the best of nutrition. Therefore a balanced diet containing amino acid and plenty of protein is very important for replenishing and strengthening the dog's coat.

A poorly groomed dog will end up as an inviting haven for fleas, ticks and all sorts of parasites that are harmful to the health of your dog, particularly in a dog with dirty and matted hairs. These parasites will cause infections and discomfort for your furry friend, therefore regular brushing and ensuring that the dog's coat stays clean will keep you in personal contact with your furry friend's hair and skin and also ensure that the parasites are kept away.

Patches of baldness and excessive hair loss on your dog's coat could be indicative of a number of problems. Some possible causes of hair loss in man's best friend include:
  • Emotional problems such as stress.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Tumor.
Different dog breeds shed of hair at different rates but an unusual or extreme hair loss could be indicative of a more serious overall health condition of your dog.

The look and feel of your dog's coat are not the only ways to easily monitor the health of your dog but the fur should always smell fresh at all time. A dog with a foul smelling coat could be a sign of bacterial infection, fungus or fleas and a coat that retains its foul smell even after a wash will require a vet's attention.
Dog grooming is an essential part of the general upkeep of a dog, get more tips about grooming for dogs.

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How to Become a Dog Trainer - Helpful Tips for Starters


Becoming a dog trainer is without a doubt a lucrative business if you know how to get into the business of dog training and start providing the much needed services for the ever increasing population of dog lovers who are in need of the professional assistance of dog trainers. Because there are no specific institutions or lay-down path that would-be trainers are meant to follow in order to become certified dog trainer therefore the burden of becoming a professional trainer rest squarely on the shoulders of the would-be dog trainer. This means that he will have to find out the steps that will lead him to his dream of becoming a professional trainer.

As a would-be dog trainer you should know that training is essentially a service profession which means that you will be working a lot with the person that own the dog and in actual fact the profession involves training the people who own the dogs as much as providing training for the dogs. For this reason, a good human relation is an essential part of the requirement for the would-be dog trainer because if you fail in your relationship with the dog owners than you can as well kiss the career goodbye.

Those who are employed as dog trainers are essentially self taught, which means that they have attended seminars, convention and workshops, read extensively about dog ethology and probably mentored by other established trainers.

A would-be trainer should at least be knowledgeable in the following area:
  • Dog training history from around the late 19th century till date. Training for other animals in comparison and contrast with dog training.
  • Animal learning which includes positive and negative punishment, positive and negative reinforcement, motivation, conditioned reinforcers, desensitization and sensitization. Comparison of human learning to dog learning.
  • Dog behavior - genetics of behavior, body language, breed characteristics, ethology and dog development, social development, hormonal influence, social signals.
  • How to design his course materials for training, how to motivate dog owners, ability to screen and steer his clients and how to effectively counsel his clients.
To become a successful trainer it is very important to mentor under the leadership of an established trainer regardless of how knowledgeable you may be. Apprenticeship affords you the opportunity to work with experienced trainers and a wide variety of dogs which you will encounter in the course of your career as a trainer. Also by volunteering to work with local and shelter rescue groups you will be able to gain insight into a wide range of dog breeds and personalities. However when deciding on a trainer to mentor you, ensure that he is committed to improving his own education and that he is dedicated to human methods of training.

Learn some more tips on how to become a dog trainer.

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Best Dog Food for Yeast Infections: A Guide to Permanent Wellness in Dogs


Several manufacturers of pet foods proclaim they have a cure to stop a spread of yeast in dogs permanently. Nothing is wrong with a dog owner attempting to gather the best dog food for yeast infections, but the results do matter. Canines suffer yeast outbreaks in different stages and the cause varies. Knowing if a pooch has a yeast infection is not hard because symptoms become evident as the bacteria take a toll. The commonest signs include itching, scratching and other behavior changes (emotional or physical).

How canine candid oppresses a dog, depends on his or her immune defense; some show skin lesions, hair shedding, redness, etc., but other indicators exist. Grain-based foods, chemicals, and antibiotics are trending triggers of yeast onset, diagnosed in dogs of various breeds. Since it is an internal problem, it is imperative that a dog parent applies treatment accordingly. A diet change does marvelous work to canine yeast victims; the evidence of improvements is sometimes unbelievable. As his or her master continues health care, overall wellness and strength improves, as well.

Typical pet care responsibilities that cause yeast

Sometimes, a pet owner does not have to shop down the market just to own the best dog food for yeast infections; because basic observation and assessment at home is helpful. A problem observed in adoptive pet mothers and fathers is that a mere few allot time to understand their canines. Oil is an ingredient in foods known to nourish yeast. When a dog's skin produces oil in excess portions by the seborrhea, a dog is susceptible to candida overgrowth. Bathing him or her regularly does justice to some extent; however such an approach has downfalls that all parents caring for dogs must know. Use of harsh bath products (soaps and other varieties) dries a dog's skin excessively, and when it becomes dehydrated, yeast worsens.

Immune balance in dogs

If a pet father or mother wants to reset immune efficiency in dogs; buying the best dog food for yeast infections and bath supplies is an obligation. Animal nutritionists and certified veterinary practitioners ideally recommend that dogs be fed meals that contain raw, fresh foods. The aim is to control yeast growth internally; particularly the digestive tract known to have a considerable percent of yeast. His or her immune health is a top priority, and when resetting balance, consistency is key. Supplements (powered and liquid) are immune system boosters, when used right.

This effort purposes to increase T cells reproduction and sustenance to improve efficiency; enabling a dog's interiors to combat yeast organisms in their early development phase. This is an excellent solution to reduce bacteria production levels. Omega fatty acids (digestion enhancing nutrients), zinc (white blood cells producer), and Vitamin C belong to the T cells group. Enzymes breakdown foods to induce proper ingestion, a necessary process to prevent yeast overproduction. Raw meats have the essential nutrients these carnivores need, profusely containing enzymes; therefore, it is nonsensical to exclude them from a canine's diet.

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Dog Training Tips That Work Best For Smart Dogs


Just because some dogs are hard to train doesn't mean that there is something wrong with them. Contrary to what most people believe, these dogs are not in any way stupid. In fact, these dogs might even possess quite a high level of intelligence - high enough to let them get what they want when they want it!

Aside from independence and dominance, there are some other traits that might get in the way of your dog training efforts. A dog with a high level of intelligence and determination may also be hard to train. Here are the reasons why:

Smart Dogs Are Hard To Train Intelligence, not stupidity, makes dog training quite a difficult task. Why? This is because most of the hard-to-train breeds are natural born hunters and fighters. They must rely heavily on their brain power in order to survive.

These dogs might be too intelligent for our own good. They can easily see through us - they know our moods and know just how far they can push us around. Intelligent dogs can easily manipulate things and even us owners to get just what they want. You can tell whether your dog is a genius if he or she displays these characteristics:

.Intelligent dogs find a lot of new ways to get into trouble

.They quickly find an exit even when presented with a see-through barrier such as a chain-link fence

.They have the ability to understand your words quickly

.They respond to your commands based on their evaluation of your moods

A Dogged Determination Can Also Hinder Your Dog Training Efforts

Determined dogs can be difficult to train especially when they have already set their hearts and minds on something. Once this happens, say goodbye to your dog training efforts for the meantime - you would find it quite difficult to divert your dog's attention to the exercises anyway!

How would your know that you have a determined dog? Here are some signs that will tell you whether your dog has this trait:

.Your dog's attention might be temporarily diverted by a special treat such as a toy or a cookie but once he or she is through with it, the dog will return to fulfilling his or her original goal. Whether it might be digging flower beds or anything that might be buried underground, munching on your sofa or chewing cords, you can count on your determined dog to get what it wants and have it his/her own way no matter how long it may take!

.Your dog shows a marked obsessive behavior and ignores physical correction.

Dog Training Techniques For These Types of Dogs

If your dog shows any of these traits, training can be difficult but not at all impossible to accomplish. You just need to know what attitudes and exercises work with them best. For example, in working with intelligent dogs, be sure to include a lot of variations in your dog training sessions. Also include activities that will stimulate your dog's brain. You should devise new ways of hiding toys and following trails to encourage the animal to use much of his or her brain power and keep his/her interest in your dog training sessions.

For determined dogs, however, you should do just the opposite. These animals get the most from their dog training exercises if there are fewer variations and more repetitions of the same routines. Showing that you are having fun during your dog training sessions may likewise do determined dogs a lot of good!

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Dog Training

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