Grooming For Dogs - Your Dog's Fur and His Health


Dog grooming is a vital aspect of the general upkeep of your furry friend and any dog owner who has the love of his or her dog at heart will pay better attention to the grooming of his dog. The health of our furry friends is intricately tied to their fur because the state of a dog's coat is indicative of his condition both emotionally and physically. Therefore a dog that lacks regular grooming is far more susceptible to health conditions that a dog which is regularly groomed is less likely to experience.

Dog grooming does not just provide the opportunity to maintain a dog's healthy and shiny coat but it also helps to prevent infections that may be caused as a result of matted hairs and also to ensure that excessive wax in their ears, which could equally cause infections are regularly cleaned out and mouth related diseases due to lack of care are well taken care of through regular cleaning of the teeth. A dog's breed plays a vital part in deciding the frequency of grooming that the dog requires therefore it is important to find out the ideal qualities of your dog's breed so that you can set aside time for regular care of his coat.

Dog fur is essentially made of protein, so a dog with a fragile and dull coat is an indication that he is probably not getting the best of nutrition. Therefore a balanced diet containing amino acid and plenty of protein is very important for replenishing and strengthening the dog's coat.

A poorly groomed dog will end up as an inviting haven for fleas, ticks and all sorts of parasites that are harmful to the health of your dog, particularly in a dog with dirty and matted hairs. These parasites will cause infections and discomfort for your furry friend, therefore regular brushing and ensuring that the dog's coat stays clean will keep you in personal contact with your furry friend's hair and skin and also ensure that the parasites are kept away.

Patches of baldness and excessive hair loss on your dog's coat could be indicative of a number of problems. Some possible causes of hair loss in man's best friend include:
  • Emotional problems such as stress.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Tumor.
Different dog breeds shed of hair at different rates but an unusual or extreme hair loss could be indicative of a more serious overall health condition of your dog.

The look and feel of your dog's coat are not the only ways to easily monitor the health of your dog but the fur should always smell fresh at all time. A dog with a foul smelling coat could be a sign of bacterial infection, fungus or fleas and a coat that retains its foul smell even after a wash will require a vet's attention.
Dog grooming is an essential part of the general upkeep of a dog, get more tips about grooming for dogs.

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