The Trick to a Well Behaved Dog Is Having One


Owners (or guardians) of unruly dogs often feel mystified about their dog's bad behavior. About 99% of the time bad canine behavior is due to a lack of understanding of how dogs think and what they need to be balanced dogs. Whenever I have a client who has an aggressive dog often I see a person who is afraid, frustrated or anxious and this contributes to the dog's need to control his owner.

In personal k9 coaching sessions I teach clients how to become more powerful. And what I often find is a person who has trouble keeping her mind free of fear, worry and doubt with such thoughts as, "I don't think my dog will ever get over this aggression... " I have to reinforce with these clients that whatever thoughts we focus on for the majority of our day we will manifest. This holds true for influencing a dog's behavior as well. I know many people get second hand dogs and feel that their dog arrived with bad behavior. Yes this is true.

However what we don't realize is that we unknowingly hold our dogs back by undermining their progress through reinforcing bad behavior rather than harvesting fresh new balanced energy. We end up nurturing the bad behavior for the simple reason we humanize them. And then we have dogs that just never seem to get much better.

But success leaves clues. All we have to do is look to thought leaders such as Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, Napoleon Hill or Michael Beckwith. These mega-successful entrepreneurs tell us that the proper mindset to draw successful results to us starts with feeling that we have what we want already and knowing that success is ours for the taking.

What I teach my clients is that in order to have a dog that is balanced and does what we want we have to be able to change the way our dog feels about us. And in order to create that result we need to become more powerful. Power to a dog means confidence and possessing an energy that is unstoppable. Without it our dogs will refuse to accept us as their leader and will continue to push us around.

Learning to become powerful isn't natural for some people and that's why having a mentor can be the very factor that gets nervous dog owners over the hump with a difficult case. Generally people have to learn how to face their fears and this can be threatening for people as they have to overcome lifelong phobias. I always tell people this old adage, "You get the dog you need not the dog you want." And what this means is that life has a way of giving us exactly what we need to grow. Having a difficult dog is indeed a call from the universe asking us to become more of who we really are. And yes we are inherently powerful.

The secret to feeling powerful is to declare incantations charged with lots of high power words. Mine is, "YES, YES, YES!!!" or "I'm an unstoppable force for good!" Whatever words you pick they absolutely must make you feel powerful. And there's a certain physiology, too, like walking confidently with our heads held high. But let us not forget that this is one piece of the puzzle. Knowing how dogs think, understanding what motivates them and being aware that true successful transformations come from maintaining lifestyle changes over time.

Susan Hill is known as The K9 Coach Unleashed and has helped many hundreds of dogs with behavioral issues. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her two Dobermans and two parrots. To claim your free invitation to learn more about having a dog you can take everywhere and get your formula for creating a well behaved dog go to

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